Mission Statement – Women of TBY coming together to support each other and the community.

What We Do (so far) –
Caring Committee – Members come together to organize support (meals, rides, visits) for those in our community who may be in need of care. Click here to submit requests.
Mensch Committee – This committee helps support many of our TBY activities – contact Alexis Wagner at [email protected]
Mah Jongg – Recently formed group meets every other Wednesday from 4-6. Beginners are always welcomed. Bring a nosh and join in the fun.
Monthly Meeting & Nosh -Come join us monthly for some schmoozing, nosh and drinks, and some planning of activities. Regular meeting is the first Wednesday of each month.
Babysitting is always available.
Upcoming Special Events – Knit Night – Paint & Sip – Mitzvah Day. Keep your eye out for announcements of date, time and other details.
History and Overview
For many years the women of TBY have been making things happen without a formal sisterhood organization. 2019 is the year we pulled together to become a formal organization – TBY Sisterhood.
All women of TBY and their guests are welcome to join monthly meetings and scheduled activities. You can find all meetings and activities on the calendar.
As we pull together as an organization take a look at some of the upcoming events planned being the fall of 2019.