Temple Bat Yam has built its community by being inclusive and welcoming to everyone who steps inside our synagogue. We are fortunate to have a congregation whose members have formed deep and meaningful relationships. And we are committed to providing opportunities for personal growth and leadership in our community.
In order to enhance our passion for Jewish living and further our Temple Bat Yam mission, the Board has created several standing committees with specific roles, defined duties and important functions. These committees are led by the Board liaison persons noted below, and need your participation.
Whether you are a new member, or have been with us for years, we encourage you to develop your Temple Bat Yam community through involvement in one or more of these committees. It is a way to work with others to implement your ideas, it is a way to develop a Jewish support system, it is a wonderful way to get to know your fellow congregants and, most importantly, it is a way to give meaning and support to what is most important to you about Temple Bat Yam.
To sign up for any of the below committees, fill out the form on the Volunteer Page.
Finance Committee
Under the guidance of our TBY Treasurer, the Finance Committee helps create the annual budget, tracks operating expenses, coordinates budgets for special events, and oversees TBY’s investment and expenditures. It works with other committees to develop committee budgets, and provide for their funding within limits determined by the Board.
Holidays and Festivals
The Holidays and Festivals Committee works closely with the Rabbi and revisits previous holiday celebrations and evaluates what worked, what didn’t, and how this year’s event could be even more meaningful for the members as well as the outside community.
House and Grounds Committee
Our TBY House and Grounds Committee is guided by the need to economically provide facilities that are safe, secure, functionally attractive, maintainable and energy efficient. The committee is responsible for all of the infrastructure of the synagogue facility as well as the outdoor landscaping. The committee’s responsibility extends to any expansions of existing facilities and and any new building projects.
IT/PR Committee
The IT/PR Committee establishes and maintain TBY’s internet and email systems and enhances all types of Temple communications in order to increase the awareness and visibility of its programs, people, and leadership within the congregation, the media, and the wider Tahoe and Carson Valley community TBY’s Website, periodicals, letters, printed materials, messages, and news releases directed to our members as well as the local media.
Learning and Library Committee
The Learning and Library Committee has the entire lifespan of our members as its scope and includes programming for children, youth, and adults. The committee deals with program development, teacher and leader recruitment, and publicity for programming. The committee is also charged with building and maintaining the library collection.
Membership Committee
Temple Bat Yam’s Membership Committee supports the synagogue in the recruitment, retention and satisfaction of members and associate members. This committee will provide a welcoming atmosphere for all current and prospective members and ensure that new members are assimilated into the congregation. Additionally, the Membership Committee will examine the reasons that the synagogue attracts and maintains members and will advise the Board and staff on membership policies, as well as oversee programs for the recruitment and retention of members.
Social Action Committee
The TBY Social Action Committee works to encourage TBY members to express their Jewish values focused on tikkun olam through continuing and expanding their outreach to the community and efforts to aid and improve the lives of those in need. The committee broadens members’ awareness of different social justice issues through periodic speakers and supports and develops initiatives to reduce hunger and poverty and assist the homeless, in the Greater Tahoe and Carson Valley communities.
Ways and Means Committee
The Ways and Means Committee holds the primary fundraising responsibility for TBY. Fundraising includes events and initiatives exclusive of dues and fees, which contribute to the general fund of the congregation. It works with other committees to support their project funding needs.
The Sisterhood at TBY is a great group dedicated to empowering women to contribute to greater community. Click below to learn more and join the Sisterhood.
Sisterhood Membership
Join the sisterhood and contribute your time and energy in empowering and productive ways that benefit the community at large.